To prepare the students through academic excellence and  leadership  skills to create well informed  productive and responsible citizens for future.




  • To impart education to students belonging to different strata of society irrespective of caste, gender, colour or creed
  • To build a strong and unflinching character and empowering them with knowledge.
  • To build a strong and unflinching character and empowering them with knowledge.
  • To develop social, moral, aesthetic and ethical values amongst our students.
  • To equip and develop essential skills so that they sail confidently with greet, determination and resilience amidst the turbulent currents of change and stormy waves of life’s complexities and challenges.




"35 years of resilience, growth, and beauty - just like the coral reef, our school's journey is a testament to the power of unity and perseverance."

Unveiling the logo to mark this landmark occasion

Stay tuned for more…!!!

Coral Jubilee Team

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